В Казахстане 45% наемных работников сталкивались с задержкой зарплаты от 7 до 12 месяцев

25 февр. 2014 г. - Опубликованы статистические показатели измерения достойного труда в Казахстане.

Published statistics measuring decent work in Kazakhstan.

According to the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on statistics, they assess the decent work indicators annually as part of the statistical measurement of the Decent Work Agenda of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

According to a study for the 4th quarter 2013 in Kazakhstan, 58.4% of employed citizens (salaried and self-employed) reported the stability of its present work. Slightly less than half (41.2%) workers hope to maintain his present job. A 0.1% of working people believe that to lose their jobs in the next 12 months.

Table 1. Structure of the stability of payment of wages of employees

Payment of salariesNumber of employees in%
Employees - total 100.0
of them received their salaries for the past 3 months 99.9
in full 94.7
partially 5.3
We did not receive wages for the past 3 months 0.0
worked less than 3 months 0.1
The duration of the delay of wages, ie non-payment period, months:
3 months 17.0
4 to 6 months 29.8
from 7 to 12 months 45.0
more than a year 8.3


As can be seen from Table 1, despite the fact that 99.9% of employees stated that they receive wages in the last 3 months, 45% of them, however, stated that faced with the delayed payment of wages from 7 to 12 months.

Table 2. The structure of the social protection of employees in the main job

Social guaranteesNumber of employees in%
Employees - total 100.0
of them:
are entitled to paid annual leave (or compensation for unused leave) 87.7
They have the right, in case of illness, a paid medical leave ( sick list) 86.8
have social security contributions (pension fund, etc.) remitted by the employer (business or personal) 92.7
receive from the employer (enterprise) any social benefits (benefits) 55.2
They believe that they can not be fired without warning, in the absence of any wrongdoing on their part 11.3
They are entitled to benefits and compensations stipulated by labor legislation (in the case of dismissal ) 75.8
are union members 39.7
of them regularly pay union dues 93.5
covered by the collective agreement 70.5


According to the statistical measurements (Table 2), 11.3% of employed people think they can not be fired without warning, in the absence of any wrongdoing on their part. However, about 15% of employees reported that they have no right to paid leave and sick leave.

Recall, according to the ILO definition, Decent work - it's not just a job, income-generating, which provides a decent life. This concept also implies that the work everyone has an equal chance of development, employees are guaranteed safe working conditions and discrimination are not threatened. Trade unions are allowed, workers' rights are protected, and the state has created a security system for patients, vulnerable, the elderly and pregnant women.

And your work can be called Worthy? Compare labor law in many countries on the world map >>


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