FIFA 2010: нарушение прав работников и использование детского труда

Скандал: за Чемпионатом мира по футболу FIFA 2010, за всеобщим вниманием и большими деньгами стоят нарушение прав работников и использование детского труда!

violation of workers' rights and child labor Every day at the World Cup FIFA 2010, we see a game in a soccer ball. But few people think, whose hands had sewn the ball and how much work invested in this sphere geometry. Meanwhile, workers' rights, linking footballs, grossly violated.

World Cup 2010 FIFA has attracted thousands of fans to South Africa. As a result,  FIFA will receive a huge profit . World Cup - it is also a very profitable business for manufacturers of footballs. For example, at the World Cup 2006 Adidas company increased its revenue by more than $ 800 million. But not everything is so rosy and well in this celebration of sport.

Who sews footballs for the World Cup FIFA 2010?

Workers in Pakistan, India, China and Thailand were forced to work long hours for very low pay in intolerable and highly unsuitable working conditions, stitching footballs. To be more specific, some workers are forced to work 21 hours a day seven days a week for a whole month. Others work in places where there is no clean drinking water, no health care and suitable sanitation. gender-based discrimination - a more acute problem, as women home-based workers are paid less than men and they face the threat of dismissal in the case of pregnancy.

These and other facts were published in a report of the American non-governmental organization International Forum on the rights of workers (ILRF) entitled "Missing operating balls: a real event with workers sewing soccer balls." The report noted that the rights of workers who sew balls in Pakistan, India, China and Thailand. The study also showed that child labor is still being used in Pakistan industry, India and China. 13 years ago, representatives of the industry for the production of footballs in these countries have signed the Atlantic Agreement , which promised to restore order in this sphere. Since then, FIFA and other global brands are aware of the violation of the rights of workers in this industry, but do nothing.

Playing by the rules

According to the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the international movement for the rights of the workers of the world sports industry Play Fair appealed to FIFA and the owners of global brands to respond to the report. Namely, increase workers pay for processing and to improve working conditions in factories making footballs.

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